Shaping Your Paper: What is a Thesis Statement and 4 Tips on How to Write a Thesis Statement

what is a thesis statement>

Shaping Your Paper: What is a Thesis Statement and 4 Tips on How to Write a GREAT Thesis Statement ​In academic writing, a thesis statement is a sentence that makes an assertion about a topic and predicts how the topic will be developed. A strong thesis statement is one that is clear and concise, and … Read more

Argument Structure in Academic Writing: Achieving Clarity and Simplicity

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Argument Structure in Academic Writing: Achieving Clarity and Simplicity In the journey towards earning a higher academic degree, crafting a compelling and well-structured argument for your thesis or dissertation often emerges as a daunting task. It’s not uncommon to find yourself wrestling with questions like – How do I form a strong thesis statement? How … Read more

Theorizing based on a DSR or Delphi study

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Introduction Iterative methods in research have become increasingly important in recent years, particularly in the field of Design Science Research (DSR) and the Delphi Method. These methods allow for developing and refining artifacts or models through iteration, reflection, and revision. Not enough researchers theorize as fully as they could. This section will provide an overview … Read more